Tartar Treatment

Tartar Treatment: A Comprehensive Guide To Achieving A Brighter Smile

Tartar Treatment: A Comprehensive Guide To Achieving A Brighter Smile

Raise your hand if you've ever held back your full smile, worried about a not-so-fresh breath moment, or wondered if your teeth could be a shade brighter. We've all been there! That's where tartar sneaks into the picture, an unwelcome guest that loves to crash the dental party. But don’t worry – we're about to show you how to kick tartar to the curb. 

Get ready for a deep dive into the world of tartar treatment. We've got the inside scoop on banishing the baddies and unveiling your best smile yet. So, are you ready to embark on this smile-transforming journey? Let's dive in and conquer tartar together!

Tartar aside, feel free to browse our collection of teeth-whitening items if you’re interested in whitening your teeth, too! Quick info about us? We’re Zimba, and we’re committed to making teeth whitening affordable, accessible, and highly effective for everyone!

What Is Tartar?

Meet tartar, the undercover alias for dental calculus. This troublemaker is a solid, calcified deposit that emerges on your teeth because of dental plaque. Imagine dental plaque as a clingy, adhesive film – a cozy haven for bacteria that brew acids, chipping away at your enamel. When you don’t regularly brush and floss, this plaque evolves into armor-clad tartar. But the drama isn't confined to the surface – tartar sets its sights both above and below the gum line, potentially steering you toward a maze of oral health challenges.


Tartar close-up on the lower anterior incisors


Shop With Zimba: Whiten Your Teeth While Preventing Tartar

Discover the enchantment of Zimba, where affordable at-home teeth whitening products harmoniously combine with effective tartar treatment. Our products are meticulously crafted to brighten your smile and actively combat tartar buildup, all while embracing the goodness of premium, natural ingredients. Here's why Zimba is your ideal choice:

  • Accessible & Affordable: Say goodbye to expensive treatments! Zimba makes teeth whitening accessible to everyone without compromising on quality.
  • High-Performance Solutions: Experience remarkable results with our high-performance teeth whitening solutions. Brighten your smile with confidence!
  • Nature's Finest: We believe in harnessing the power of nature. Zimba products are infused with natural, premium ingredients for a gentle yet effective whitening experience.
  • Caring For Your Wallet: Achieving a radiant smile shouldn't break the bank. Zimba offers budget-friendly options so that you can invest in your oral care without worry.

Explore Zimba's exceptional teeth-whitening solutions while taking proactive steps against tartar. Shop with Zimba today and embrace a future where your vibrant smile shines with confidence!

How Does Tartar Affect Teeth And Gums?

When plaque – that sticky gang of bacteria – gets comfy on your teeth, it evolves into tartar. This unwanted guest brings along a host of troubles, starting with gum inflammation (gingivitis) that can level up to serious gum disease (periodontitis) if you're not careful. More than that, tartar is known to bring the party crashers: bad breath, teeth discoloration, and even chipping in on tooth decay. 

How Does Age Impact The Risk Of Developing Tartar?

As we age, the risk of developing tartar increases due to various factors:

  • Accumulated Plaque: It's like a time-lapse – the plaque that camps on your teeth over the years decides it's ready for a makeover. It goes all rocky and morphs into tartar when you don't get it out.
  • Gum Recession: Aging can sometimes lead to gum retreat – think of it like a curtain call for your gums. This exposes your tooth roots, turning them into prime real estate for tartar to set up shop.
  • Saliva Composition: Your trusty saliva isn't immune to the age game either. It might start tinkering with its recipe, and the changes can mess with its protective shield against tartar.


Is Tartar Permanent?

Once tartar sets up camp, your regular brushing and flossing can't evict it. While plaque gets the hint with a brush, tartar's the stubborn type – tough and unyielding. To show it the door, you'll need the dental cavalry. Enter scaling and root planing – the tartar-busters that kick it out and bring back your oral peace.

What Is Scaling And Root Planing?

Scaling and root planing are specialized dental procedures that combat tartar buildup and restore your teeth and gum health.

  • Scaling: This is the heavyweight champion of tartar removal. Using specialized tools, your dentist or dental hygienist meticulously removes tartar deposits from your teeth's surfaces and below the gum line. By tackling both visible and hidden tartar, scaling leaves your teeth refreshed and free from the grip of this stubborn substance.
  • Root Planing: Think of this as the smooth operator. Root planing focuses on the tooth roots beneath the gumline. Carefully smoothing the roots' surfaces discourages tartar from reattaching and gives your gums a chance to heal and reattach to the cleaned surfaces.

Why Is Tartar Treatment Important?

Tartar treatment isn't just a dental option – it's a necessity. When tartar sets in, it becomes a resilient barrier that regular brushing and flossing can't break down. Tartar turns into a breeding ground for harmful bacteria, leading to gum inflammation (gingivitis) that can evolve into more severe gum disease (periodontitis) if left unchecked. It also contributes to bad breath, tooth decay, and even tooth discoloration, affecting both your confidence and overall well-being.

What Are The Benefits Of Tartar Treatment?

Tartar treatment isn't just about dental health; it's a holistic journey to overall well-being. By tackling tartar accumulation through professional dental interventions and specialized procedures, you unlock benefits that go beyond your smile:

Preventing Gum Disease

Tartar is notorious as a primary contributor to gum inflammation and the onset of gum disease. By embracing effective tartar treatment, you're not only eliminating existing tartar but also safeguarding your gums, warding off potential complications, and promoting lasting gum health.

Reducing Bad Breath

The battle against bad breath takes a significant turn with tartar treatment. Stubborn tartar buildup often underlies persistent bad breath or halitosis, so with thorough tartar removal, you're not just masking the issue – you're addressing its root cause, resulting in a breath that's fresher and more inviting.

Protecting Tooth Enamel

Your tooth enamel, AKA tooth guardian, faces a threat from tartar. Left unchecked, tartar can erode enamel and pave the way for tooth decay. Opting for tartar treatment becomes a shield for your enamel, bolstering its strength and ensuring your teeth remain resilient and robust.

Enhancing Aesthetics

Tartar's stealthy presence often casts a shadow on your smile, leading to tooth discoloration. With tartar removal, the curtain is lifted, unveiling your teeth’s natural luster and brilliance. It's a transformative step towards enhancing your overall aesthetic appeal.

Minimizing Tooth Sensitivity

Unwanted tooth sensitivity can stem from tartar exposing tooth roots. Through effective treatment, this exposure is minimized, granting relief from discomfort triggered by hot, cold, or sweet foods. It's a literal sigh of relief for your teeth and taste buds.

Preventing Tooth Loss

The perils of untreated tartar extend to tooth loss, particularly as gum disease advances. By embracing tartar treatment, you're taking a stand against premature tooth loss, preserving your teeth's place and function.

Boosting Overall Health

A healthier mouth is a gateway to overall well-being. Tartar treatment diminishes the risk of oral infections, effectively curbing potential systemic repercussions that could impact various body systems.

Want to enjoy whiter teeth alongside a tartar-free mouth? Visit our shop for the most affordable and effective teeth-whitening products! Zimba has you covered from teeth whitening strips to LED whitening lights and teeth whitening pens. Shop with us today and enjoy a confidently whiter smile.

Are There Any Downsides To Tartar Treatment?

While tartar treatment is generally safe, there are some considerations to keep in mind:

  • Transient Tooth Sensitivity: It's not uncommon to experience a temporary bout of tooth sensitivity after the procedure. This sensitivity typically fades within a few days as your teeth adjust and settle.
  • Temporary Gum Sensations: You might notice some minor tenderness or soreness in your gums following the treatment, but this sensation is temporary. The discomfort will eventually diminish.
  • Cost Considerations: Just like any dental procedure, financial factors are worth considering. The cost of tartar treatment can depend on your location and the extent of your dental insurance coverage.

What Are The Most Effective Methods Of Avoiding Tartar?

Want to learn how to avoid tartar before it even forms? Follow these simple tips:

  1. Maintain Good Oral Hygiene: Your daily ritual is your best defense. Diligently brush your teeth at least twice a day and weave flossing into your routine to banish plaque before it solidifies into tartar.
  2. Use Tartar Control Toothpaste: Upgrade your toothpaste game with the formidable ally of tartar control. Opt for toothpaste equipped to thwart tartar formation, helping you keep that clean slate intact.
  3. Limit Sugary And Starchy Foods: Consume less sugary and starchy foods – they’re the culprits behind plaque buildup, which eventually causes tartar. Your diet plays a pivotal role in this battle, and wise choices can make all the difference.
  4. Visit Your Dentist Regularly: Dental check-ups and professional cleanings are your weapons against tartar. These visits aren't just routine – they're a proactive strategy to detect and eliminate tartar.

What Tartar-Removal Products Are Available On The Market?

Various tartar-removal products are available to complement your oral care routine. Some popular options include:

Electric Toothbrush With Tartar Control

Elevate your brushing game with the prowess of an electric toothbrush. Some models come fortified with features specifically engineered to thwart tartar formation, lending an extra edge to your daily routine.

Water Flossers

When it comes to accessing those nooks and crannies, water flossers reign supreme. These devices unleash the power of water jets to sweep away plaque and target tartar buildup in those elusive corners of your mouth.

Tartar-Control Mouthwash

Harness the dual benefits of fresh breath and tartar control with specialized mouthwash. Formulations with tartar control properties act as your shield, inhibiting the very foundation of tartar formation.

What Are The Differences Between Plaque And Tartar?

Plaque and tartar are distinct entities in terms of their characteristics and impact on oral health:


  • A soft sticky film composed of bacteria, food particles, and saliva.
  • Develops constantly on teeth and gums.
  • Can be removed through regular brushing and flossing.
  • If not removed promptly, can harden into tartar.


  • Hardened form of plaque that has mineralized.
  • Forms when plaque is left untreated and allowed to mature.
  • Cannot be removed by brushing alone and requires professional dental intervention.
  • Can lead to gum disease and other oral health issues if left untreated.

So, are you ready to fight against tartar? Start by practicing healthier dental hygiene habits today, schedule that dentist appointment, and maybe even work on whitening your teeth while you’re at it! You can also visit our blog for more handy guides or explore Zimba to see our other offerings (AKA 15% off your first order when you sign up for our newsletter).

Zimba FAQs: Tartar

What is the cause of tartar?

Tartar forms when plaque mineralizes and solidifies. Plaque is a sticky bacterial film that adheres to teeth, and if not properly removed through brushing and flossing, it undergoes a calcification process that turns it into tartar. Unlike plaque, tartar can’t effectively be eliminated through routine oral hygiene routines – it requires professional intervention for its removal.

What happens if tartar breaks off?

When tartar breaks off, it can become lodged between teeth and gums, triggering irritation and inflammation. This escalation can worsen existing gum disease and trigger discomfort or heightened sensitivity. Moreover, the dislodged tartar can act as a magnet for additional plaque accumulation, potentially intensifying dental problems. 

Can tartar be removed at home?

Removing tartar at home isn't effective. Professional dental intervention is required for successful tartar removal.

How often should I get tartar treatment?

The frequency of tartar treatment depends on individual oral health needs, but getting treated for tartar every six to twelve months, during your regular dental checkups, is ideal.

Is tartar treatment painful?

Tartar treatment may cause mild discomfort, but it is generally not painful. Local anesthesia can be used to minimize any discomfort during the procedure.

Can tartar cause bad breath?

Tartar can cause bad breath by serving as a breeding ground for bacteria that emit unpleasant-smelling compounds.

Can tartar lead to tooth loss?

Untreated tartar accumulation can contribute to gum disease, which may result in tooth loss in more advanced stages. Maintaining proper tartar treatment and diligent oral care can help avert this potential consequence.

Can I remove tartar from dentures at home?

For optimal results and proper maintenance, it's recommended to have your dentures professionally cleaned by a dentist to effectively remove tartar.

Can I prevent tartar formation if I have braces?

Braces may make it more challenging to remove plaque and tartar, but practicing diligent oral hygiene and using specialized orthodontic tools can help minimize tartar buildup.

Are there any specific foods to avoid to prevent tartar?

Foods high in sugar and starch can contribute to plaque formation, which can eventually lead to tartar. Limiting these foods can help reduce tartar risk.